The 201 Process
The majority of defendants in Shelby County are arrested and brought to 201 Poplar for booking and processing. Usually, they are brought to court the following day, or make bond and are scheduled a court date.

They Took My Stuff!
Tennessee Code Annotated § 40-33-101 allows the state of Tennessee to seize forfeit vehicles used in Robberies, Burglaries, Thefts, Sexual crimes, and various other crimes.

What Do I Do? Police Want to Search My Car
In Tennessee, when an officer stops a vehicle and develops new suspicions of another crime, the officer has to diligently pursue a means to confirm that new suspicion. This becomes tricky where the officer issues the ticket, then asks to search.

The Police Would Like to Talk to Me. Should I give a Statement?
The answer is no. Period.
Call or text us right now.
You don’t know the rules of evidence or rules of procedure or local rules of the courtroom.
Officers are legally allowed to trick you and lie to you. Do not make a statement without us, and do not let your child make a statement without us.

What is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?
A misdemeanor can be punished by less than a year in prison. Sometimes these are called 11/29 offenses because 11 months and 29 days is one day less than a year in prison. Misdemeanors usually qualify for probation.
A felony is punished by a year or more. There are ranges of felonies that carry more time depending on how serious the charge is.